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Venues with zones

Learn about venues that contain multiple zones, each with a focal point and several sections.

Pablo Neirotti avatar
Written by Pablo Neirotti
Updated over 7 months ago

You can create a chart for larger venues, such as race tracks, air shows, and parades, which have multiple focal points as the action is not centered in a single place.

Start drawing

In order to draw selectable objects in a venue with zones, you must first create a zone a and switch to it.

Click the gear icon next to the Zone switcher, located at the top left of the Designer, to manage the zones of the chart.

Click on "Create new zone" to create as many zones as you need.

  • You can assign keys to them which can be used later for Best Available calls.

  • Optionally, you can also set a label which is only displayed when a mouse cursor hovers on a Zone indicator.

Once you have created your zones, use the Zone switcher, located at the top left corner of the Designer, to switch to the zone you would like to draw.

All areas, sections, and their objects inside, will belong to the area you're currently drawing on.

Focal Points

Each Zone contains their own Focal Point. In order to add, edit, or remove a Focal Point from a Zone, you must first switch to it using the Zone switcher, and then use the Focal Point tool as normal.


In the renderer, a venue with Zones behaves like any other. Except when a chart is displayed too small on screen - due to a large chart size and/or a small embed size. In this scenario, Zone indicators will be displayed to aid the user to locate the points of interests along a track, in order to zoom in to the group of sections within the area.

Best Available

You can make Best Available calls indicating the Zone you'd like to find the best places at. You can read more about it in the Best Available docs page.

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