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Changing pricing plans
Joren De Wachter avatar
Written by Joren De Wachter
Updated over 3 years ago

You have the possibility to change pricing plans at any time, on a monthly basis going forward.

How does that work in practice?

First, go to your user account dashboard.

Every user has an account dashboard, with a dropdown menu on the right hand top corner.

If you click on "usage" you will be guided to the screen that has all the information on your subscription account. It explains what your current pricing plan is, when it runs (for yearly plans), and it shows your usage.

This page also contains a clickable link to change your pricing plan.

When you click that link, the next page shows the options to change your pricing plan and select your new plan.

The new selection will apply from the 1st day of the next month.

After that, simply confirm that you agree with the plan and that you are entitled, within your own organisation, to make this decision, and the new plan will apply from the first day of the next month. You will receive a confirmation email for your records.

If you have more questions on pricing plans, you can check them out here.

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